Student Success at BR
The Student Success Teachers in their mandate to increase the rate at which students succeed, work with administration, teachers, and mostly students.
A key role of the Student Success Teachers is to monitor closely students who may be struggling with their courses. They encourage them to reach their potential and help them with strategies to maximize the marks they can achieve. For example, the SST’s interview students based on their progress reports and their midterm results.
In addition, the SST’s support students in their transition to secondary school, as well as students in all other grades. They work with parents/ guardians and teachers as well as the students themselves. It is amazing what can be accomplished when all parties work together.
Working as a team is key to student success. The Student Success School Team Committee headed by Mrs. Brennan, Mr. Pedder and Ms. Bothello includes members of the administration and teachers from all the departments within the school, so that all disciplines are represented.
If, as parents, you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress at school, you may contact Mrs. Brennan, Mr. Pedder or Ms. Bothello at the school at Extension 3345
Everyone knows that students can improve their marks through homework, regular review and study. The goal has been set—16 credits by age 16. Diligence leads to success! The entire school community can take pride in striving for excellence for both staff and students.
Mrs. M. Brennan
Mr. J. Pedder
Ms. L. Bothello