Here's a couple of basic tips and reminders to be successful on your exams:
KNOW YOUR STUFF! Ask your teacher questions. Complete your exam review. Start studying at least a month before.
GET A GOOD SLEEP! Students write a better exam if they have had enough sleep to allow them to concentrate.
EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST! Students write a better exam if their mind is not occupied with being hungry
KNOW YOUR LOCATION! All Final Exams are written in classrooms. Review your location with your teacher so that you are not running around on the morning of your exam.
KNOW HOW LONG YOUR EXAM IS! Grade 9 Exams are typically 1.5 hours long. Grade 10 and 11 Exams are anywhere between 1.5 hours and 2 hours in length. Grade 12 Exams are anywhere between 2 hours and 2.5 hours in length.
KNOW WHAT MATERIALS YOU'LL NEED! Bring lots of pens, pencils, an eraser, a ruler. Think about the subject your exam is representing: Will you need a calculator? Will you need a formula sheet? Will you need a protractor? When in doubt, as your teacher what you should bring.
KNOW WHAT NOT TO BRING! Don't bring food, water, drinks, backpacks, cell phones, music devices, etc. to an exam - you'll be forced to bring these items back to your locker and waste valuable writing time.
KNOW HOW YOU ARE GETTING TO AND FROM YOUR EXAM! Know when your exam starts. Will you be getting a ride to school that day? Will you need to take the city bus and, if so, will you need to look-up a schedule? Do you take the school bus and, if so, did you know that all school buses will drop-off and pick-up at regularly scheduled times?